The Perfect Beach Breakfast
This is near and dear to my heart, I love breakfast, so much so that sometimes we'll do breakfast for dinner because it makes me happy and it's yummy! The perfect beach breakfast always has the following: Coffee- It's the perfect way to start your day and if you're not opposed to alcohol and really want to feel like you're on vacation, throw a little Rum Chata in your coffee instead of creamer. On a girls trip to St. John several years ago, we started this and it took me a while after I returned to realize this wasn't an acceptable office practice. Also, it will make the kids screaming at the beach later a little more bearable, you're welcome. Fruit- Easy one too, if you feed your wolf pack some fruit right out of the gate, it buys you a little more time to enjoy the Rum Chata in your coffee...and get the rest of your breakfast cooked. I can't handle anybody yelling they're hungry first thing in the morning, sister needs a minute. Juice- Whether...